sample prayers for meetings

[120 Opening And Closing] Sample Prayers For Meetings at Work, School, Business Place

In the hustle and bustle of our daily work lives, it’s easy to overlook the importance of intentional beginnings. Yet, the way we commence our meetings sets the tone for what follows, influencing not just the productivity of our discussions but also the unity and collaboration within our teams.

One powerful yet often underutilized practice is the opening prayer before a meeting and the closing prayer after. Regardless of individual religious beliefs, taking a moment to pause, reflect, and invite a higher purpose into our gathering can profoundly impact the atmosphere and outcomes of our interactions.

In this blog post, we delve into the significance of incorporating an opening prayer before meeting at work and the saying the closing prayer afterward. From fostering a sense of community to promoting clarity of thought and purpose, we explore the myriad benefits that this simple yet profound practice can bring to our professional environments.

Whether you’re a seasoned leader or a team member looking to enhance the dynamics of your meetings, here are some of the best sample prayers for meetings, both for the opening prayer before meeting and the benediction after the meeting.

Opening Prayer For Virtual Meeting

1. “Heavenly Father, as we gather virtually today, we invite Your presence to dwell among us. Bless our meeting with wisdom, clarity, and unity as we seek to accomplish our goals. Amen.”

2. “Gracious God, as we come together in this virtual space, we ask for Your guidance and direction. Grant us discernment as we discuss important matters and help us to foster a spirit of cooperation and understanding. Amen.”

3. “Dear Lord, we thank you for the opportunity to gather virtually for this meeting. May your wisdom guide our discussions and decisions, and may your grace unite us in purpose and action. Amen.”

4. “Eternal God, as we log in from different locations for this virtual meeting, we ask for your presence to be with us. Grant us the insight to address challenges, the courage to make difficult decisions, and the compassion to support one another. Amen.”

5. “Holy Spirit, bless this virtual gathering with your peace and understanding. May our interactions be filled with respect and kindness as we work towards our common objectives. Amen.”

6. “Loving Creator, we gather virtually today with grateful hearts for the technology that allows us to connect. Guide our discussions, inspire our decisions, and help us to be mindful of the needs of others. Amen.”

7. “God of all knowledge and wisdom, as we convene in this virtual meeting, we seek your guidance. Grant us clarity of thought, open hearts, and a spirit of cooperation as we engage in meaningful dialogue. Amen.”

8. “Merciful Father, we come before you in this virtual space, acknowledging our dependence on you for wisdom and strength. Bless our time together, and may it be fruitful and constructive. Amen.”

9. “Lord of all, as we gather virtually for this meeting, we ask for your presence to be palpable among us. Grant us the grace to listen with understanding, speak with kindness, and work with diligence towards our shared goals. Amen.”

10. “Gracious God, we come together virtually, aware of the challenges we face and the opportunities before us. Bless our discussions, inspire our decisions, and help us to be instruments of your peace and justice. Amen.”

11. “Heavenly Father, as we join together in this virtual meeting, we thank you for the gift of technology that allows us to connect across distances. Bless our time together with productivity, harmony, and mutual respect. Amen.”

12. “God of unity and purpose, as we gather virtually for this meeting, we pray for your guidance and blessing. Help us to work together effectively, respecting each other’s viewpoints and seeking common ground. Amen.”

13. “Divine Teacher, as we meet virtually today, grant us wisdom to discern what is right and just. May our discussions be fruitful, our decisions wise, and our actions guided by love and compassion. Amen.”

14. “Lord, as we gather in this virtual space, we lift our intentions to you. Bless our meeting with productive dialogue, mutual understanding, and a shared commitment to serving others. Amen.”

15. “Heavenly Father, as we come together virtually, we ask for your presence to be with us. Grant us clarity of mind, compassion in our interactions, and a sense of purpose as we work towards our objectives. Amen.”

More Resources: Short Prayers For Blessings

Opening Prayer for Business Meeting

1. “Dear Lord, as we begin this business meeting, we humbly ask for Your guidance and wisdom. Grant us clarity of thought, integrity in our dealings, and a spirit of cooperation as we work towards our shared goals. Amen.”

2. “Heavenly Father, as we gather here for this business meeting, we acknowledge Your presence among us. Bless our deliberations, inspire our decisions, and help us to conduct ourselves with honesty and integrity. Amen.”

3. “Gracious God, we come before You at the start of this business meeting, seeking Your blessing and direction. Grant us wisdom to make sound decisions, strength to overcome challenges, and humility to work together effectively. Amen.”

4. “Lord of all creation, as we convene for this business meeting, we are grateful for the opportunities before us. Guide our discussions, bless our endeavors, and help us to be good stewards of the resources entrusted to us. Amen.”

5. “Eternal God, as we embark on this business meeting, we ask for Your presence to be with us. Grant us insight to recognize opportunities, courage to take calculated risks, and compassion to consider the needs of others. Amen.”

6. “Loving Father, as we come together for this business meeting, we thank You for the talents and resources represented here. Bless our efforts, inspire our decisions, and help us to conduct ourselves with integrity and humility. Amen.”

7. “Merciful Lord, we seek Your guidance as we gather for this business meeting. Grant us wisdom to navigate complexities, discernment to prioritize effectively, and grace to treat one another with respect and kindness. Amen.”

8. “God of wisdom and understanding, as we begin this business meeting, we ask for Your guidance in all our discussions and decisions. Help us to seek common ground, listen with open hearts, and pursue excellence in all our endeavors. Amen.”

9. “Heavenly Father, as we come together for this business meeting, we lift our intentions to You. Grant us clarity of purpose, unity of vision, and the courage to pursue opportunities that align with Your will. Amen.”

10. “Dear Lord, as we gather for this business meeting, we acknowledge Your sovereignty over all our affairs. Grant us discernment in our deliberations, integrity in our actions, and humility in our interactions. Amen.”

11. “Gracious God, we thank You for the opportunity to meet today and conduct business. Bless our discussions, guide our decisions, and help us to be mindful of the impact of our actions on others. Amen.”

12. “Lord, as we gather for this business meeting, we ask for Your presence to be felt among us. Grant us wisdom to make wise choices, courage to embrace change, and compassion to consider the well-being of all stakeholders. Amen.”

13. “Heavenly Father, as we commence this business meeting, we seek Your guidance and blessing. May Your wisdom illuminate our minds, Your grace soften our hearts, and Your peace reign in our midst as we work towards our objectives. Amen.”

14. “Loving God, as we come together for this business meeting, we recognize Your hand in all our endeavors. Grant us the wisdom to plan effectively, the courage to act decisively, and the humility to acknowledge our dependence on You. Amen.”

15. “Dear Lord, as we gather for this business meeting, we invite Your presence to dwell among us. Bless our discussions with clarity and insight, guide our decisions with wisdom and discernment, and unite us in purpose and action. Amen.”

More Resources: Monday Spiritual Quotes

Opening Prayers for Meetings

1. “Heavenly Father, as we gather for this meeting, we invite Your presence to be with us. Grant us wisdom to make sound decisions, compassion to understand each other, and unity to work towards our common goals. Amen.”

2. “Lord, we thank You for bringing us together today. May this meeting be productive and fruitful, filled with Your guidance and inspiration. Help us to listen attentively, speak thoughtfully, and collaborate effectively. Amen.”

3. “Gracious God, as we begin this meeting, we seek Your blessings upon our discussions. Grant us clarity of mind, empathy in our interactions, and humility to consider diverse perspectives. May our time together be purposeful and uplifting. Amen.”

4. “Dear Lord, we gather in Your name to seek Your wisdom and guidance for the matters at hand. Bless each participant with discernment, patience, and respect for one another. May this meeting be conducted with integrity and grace. Amen.”

5. “Eternal God, as we come together for this meeting, we acknowledge Your sovereignty over all our endeavors. Guide our thoughts and actions, and help us to prioritize what is important. May Your peace reign in our hearts and in our discussions. Amen.”

6. “Loving Father, we are grateful for the opportunity to meet today. Bless this gathering with Your presence and wisdom. Grant us the courage to address challenges, the creativity to find solutions, and the humility to seek help when needed. Amen.”

7. “Lord of all wisdom, as we commence this meeting, we ask for Your guidance to lead us in the right direction. May Your spirit of understanding and cooperation prevail among us as we discuss important matters. Help us to make decisions that honor You and serve others. Amen.”

8. “Gracious God, we come before You with open hearts and minds as we gather for this meeting. Grant us clarity of purpose and strength of conviction to pursue what is right. May Your love and grace abound in our discussions and decisions. Amen.”

9. “Heavenly Father, we thank You for the opportunity to come together in fellowship. Bless this meeting with Your presence and wisdom. Help us to communicate openly and honestly, and to seek solutions that are just and fair. Amen.”

10. “Dear Lord, as we gather for this meeting, we lift up our intentions to You. Grant us the wisdom to discern Your will, the courage to act accordingly, and the humility to accept Your guidance. May Your blessings be upon us as we strive to accomplish our objectives. Amen.”

11. “Almighty God, we invoke Your presence as we convene for this meeting. Grant us clarity of vision, strength of purpose, and unity of spirit. May Your wisdom guide our discussions and decisions, and may Your peace reign in our hearts. Amen.”

12. “Gracious Lord, as we gather in this meeting, we acknowledge Your sovereignty over all things. Grant us the wisdom to navigate challenges, the patience to listen attentively, and the humility to learn from one another. May Your presence be felt among us as we work towards our goals. Amen.”

13. “Loving God, we come together in Your name to seek Your guidance and blessings for this meeting. Grant us the wisdom to discern what is right, the courage to speak the truth, and the grace to act with compassion. May our deliberations be fruitful and pleasing in Your sight. Amen.”

14. “Heavenly Father, as we gather for this meeting, we ask for Your blessings upon our deliberations. Grant us the wisdom to make decisions that are in alignment with Your will, the strength to overcome obstacles, and the grace to extend kindness and understanding to one another. Amen.”

15. “Dear Lord, as we commence this meeting, we invite Your presence to dwell among us. Grant us wisdom to seek common ground, patience to listen with empathy, and humility to acknowledge our limitations. May Your guidance lead us to fruitful outcomes. Amen.”

More Resources: Powerful Prayer To The Holy Spirit

Opening Prayer For Teachers’ Meeting

1. “Heavenly Father, as educators, we come together for this meeting seeking Your guidance and blessings. Grant us wisdom as we discuss strategies for the betterment of our students. May our decisions be guided by Your love and our actions reflect Your teachings. Amen.”

2. “Lord, we gather as teachers with grateful hearts for the opportunity to shape young minds. Bless this meeting with Your presence, and grant us the insight to address challenges and the creativity to inspire our students. Guide our discussions and decisions today and always. Amen.”

3. “Gracious God, as we begin this teachers’ meeting, we ask for Your wisdom to guide our discussions. Help us to collaborate effectively, share our knowledge generously, and support one another in our noble mission of education. May our efforts be fruitful and bring glory to Your name. Amen.”

4. “Dear Lord, we thank You for the privilege of being educators. As we gather for this meeting, we seek Your wisdom and understanding. Grant us clarity of thought, patience in our interactions, and a renewed sense of purpose in our vocation. Bless our time together and the work that lies ahead. Amen.”

5. “Loving Father, we come before You as teachers, recognizing the importance of our role in shaping future generations. Bless this meeting with Your presence and inspire us with innovative ideas and effective strategies. May our discussions be productive, and our actions reflect Your grace and compassion. Amen.”

6. “Heavenly Father, as we gather for this teachers’ meeting, we acknowledge You as the ultimate source of wisdom and knowledge. Grant us discernment as we discuss curriculum, pedagogy, and student needs. May our efforts be guided by Your truth and our dedication to nurturing young minds. Amen.”

7. “Lord, we lift up this teachers’ meeting to You, knowing that You are the ultimate teacher. Grant us insight into the needs of our students, creativity in our lesson planning, and patience in our interactions. Bless our time together and help us to be effective instruments of Your love and grace. Amen.”

8. “Gracious God, we gather as educators with hearts full of gratitude for the opportunity to make a difference in the lives of our students. Bless this meeting with Your presence and wisdom. Guide our discussions, inspire our ideas, and strengthen our resolve to serve with excellence and compassion. Amen.”

9. “Dear Lord, as we come together for this teachers’ meeting, we ask for Your guidance and blessing. Help us to support one another, share our expertise, and work collaboratively for the benefit of our students. May Your wisdom guide our discussions and Your grace sustain us in our mission. Amen.”

10. “Loving Father, as teachers, we are entrusted with the sacred task of nurturing young minds and hearts. Bless this meeting with Your presence and wisdom. Grant us the humility to learn from each other, the compassion to understand our students’ needs, and the courage to innovate and inspire. May our efforts be guided by Your grace and lead to the flourishing of all. Amen.”

Spiritual Closing Prayer

1. “Heavenly Father, as we conclude our time together, we thank You for Your presence among us. May the wisdom shared and the connections made during this gathering continue to bear fruit in our lives. As we depart from this place, may Your peace go with us and Your love guide us in all that we do. Amen.”

2. “Lord, as we bring this gathering to a close, we are grateful for the opportunity to come together in fellowship and worship. May the truths we’ve shared and the prayers we’ve lifted up continue to resonate in our hearts and minds. Bless us with Your strength and courage to live out our faith until we meet again. Amen.”

3. “Gracious God, as we prepare to depart, we ask for Your blessings to accompany us. May the seeds of faith planted today grow into abundant fruit in our lives and communities. Grant us Your peace and protection until we gather again. In Your holy name, we pray. Amen.”

4. “Dear Lord, as we conclude this time of spiritual nourishment, we give thanks for Your presence among us. May the words spoken and the prayers offered inspire us to live more fully in Your love and grace. Guide our steps as we go forth from this place, and may Your light shine through us wherever we go. Amen.”

5. “Loving Father, as we come to the end of our gathering, we lift our hearts in gratitude for Your blessings and guidance. As we depart, may Your Spirit continue to dwell within us, leading us in paths of righteousness and peace. Bless each person here and keep us safe until we meet again. Amen.”

6. “Heavenly Father, we thank You for the fellowship and spiritual nourishment we’ve received during this time together. As we go our separate ways, may Your presence go before us, Your love surround us, and Your peace dwell within us. Strengthen our faith and renew our spirits until we gather again. Amen.”

7. “Lord, we give thanks for the sacred moments we’ve shared in Your presence. As we conclude our time together, we ask for Your blessings to accompany us. May the truths we’ve encountered and the love we’ve experienced continue to sustain us until we meet again. In Your name, we pray. Amen.”

8. “Gracious God, as we prepare to depart, we entrust ourselves into Your loving care. May the bonds of fellowship formed today deepen with each passing day, and may Your Spirit continue to guide us in all our endeavors. Bless us with Your peace and fill us with Your joy until we gather once more. Amen.”

9. “Dear Lord, as we close this time of worship and fellowship, we offer You our thanks and praise. May the truths we’ve encountered and the experiences we’ve shared continue to shape and transform us. Go before us, Lord, and lead us in paths of righteousness for Your name’s sake. Amen.”

10. “Loving Father, as we bid farewell to one another, we ask for Your blessings to be upon us. May the seeds of faith sown today bear fruit in our lives and communities. Keep us ever mindful of Your presence and ever faithful to Your call until we gather again in Your name. Amen.”

Benedictions And Closing Prayers

1. “May the Lord bless you and keep you; may His face shine upon you and be gracious to you; may He turn His face toward you and give you peace. Amen.”

2. “As we depart from this gathering, may the love of God surround you, the peace of Christ fill you, and the guidance of the Holy Spirit lead you in all your endeavors. Amen.”

3. “May the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you now and always. Amen.”

4. “Go forth from this place with hearts full of gratitude and hands ready to serve. May God’s blessings follow you wherever you go, and may His presence be your constant companion. Amen.”

5. “As we conclude our time together, may the Lord bless you with His strength to face every challenge, His wisdom to make every decision, and His peace to fill every moment. Amen.”

6. “May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in Him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit. Amen.”

7. “As we close this gathering, may the Lord make His face to shine upon you and be gracious unto you; may He lift up His countenance upon you and give you peace. Amen.”

8. “May the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. Amen.”

9. “As we part ways, may the Lord bless you and keep you safe; may He make His face shine upon you and be gracious to you; may He turn His face toward you and give you peace. Amen.”

10. “Now unto Him who is able to keep you from falling and to present you faultless before the presence of His glory with exceeding joy, to the only wise God our Savior, be glory and majesty, dominion and power, both now and forevermore. Amen.”

Thanksgiving Closing Prayer

1. “Heavenly Father, as we conclude this time of thanksgiving and fellowship, we are filled with gratitude for Your abundant blessings. We thank You for the gift of each other, for the provision of food and shelter, and for the love that binds us together. May our hearts remain ever thankful, and may we continue to share Your blessings with others. In Your name, we pray. Amen.”

2. “Lord, as we close this moment of thanksgiving, we offer our heartfelt gratitude for Your goodness and faithfulness. Thank You for the blessings of this day, for the joy of shared laughter, and for the warmth of friendship. May our lives be a reflection of Your love and grace. Amen.”

3. “Gracious God, we thank You for the abundance of Your blessings in our lives. As we conclude this time of thanksgiving, we ask for Your continued presence and guidance. Help us to cultivate hearts of gratitude in all circumstances and to be mindful of the needs of others. May Your love shine through us always. Amen.”

4. “Dear Lord, as we come to the end of this time of thanksgiving, we lift our voices in gratitude for Your countless blessings. Thank You for the food we have shared, the laughter we have enjoyed, and the love that surrounds us. May our hearts overflow with thankfulness, and may we always remember Your goodness. Amen.”

5. “Loving Father, as we close this time of thanksgiving, we offer You our heartfelt gratitude for Your provision and grace. Thank You for the blessings of this day, for the love of family and friends, and for Your constant presence in our lives. Help us to live each day with hearts full of thankfulness. Amen.”

6. “Heavenly Father, as we conclude this moment of thanksgiving, we thank You for the opportunity to gather together in Your name. Thank You for the blessings of this day and for the love that binds us together as a community. May Your peace dwell within us always, and may we always remember to give thanks in all circumstances. Amen.”

7. “Lord, as we come to the end of this time of thanksgiving, we offer You our heartfelt gratitude for Your abundant blessings. Thank You for the gift of life, for the love of family and friends, and for Your constant presence in our lives. Help us to live each day with hearts full of gratitude and praise. Amen.”

8. “Gracious God, as we conclude this time of thanksgiving, we offer You our sincere gratitude for Your goodness and provision. Thank You for the blessings of this day and for the love that surrounds us. May we always remember to give thanks in all circumstances and to share Your love with others. Amen.”

9. “Dear Lord, as we close this moment of thanksgiving, we lift our voices in gratitude for Your abundant blessings. Thank You for the food we have shared, the laughter we have enjoyed, and the love that surrounds us. May our hearts overflow with thankfulness, and may we always remember Your goodness. Amen.”

10. “Loving Father, as we come to the end of this time of thanksgiving, we offer You our heartfelt gratitude for Your unfailing love and faithfulness. Thank You for the blessings of this day, for the joy of fellowship, and for Your presence among us. Help us to live each day with hearts full of thanksgiving and to share your love with others. Amen.”

Closing Prayer Messages

1. “As we close this time together, let us carry with us the peace and love we’ve experienced. May God’s grace continue to guide us, His strength sustain us, and His love surround us in all that we do. Amen.”

2. “Dear friends, as we part ways, let us remember that we are never alone. May the Lord go before us, behind us, beside us, and within us, guiding our steps and filling our hearts with His peace. Until we meet again, may His blessings be upon us. Amen.”

3. “As we conclude our gathering, may the wisdom shared and the connections made continue to inspire us. May we carry the light of God’s love into the world, shining brightly in all that we do. Until we meet again, may His peace dwell within us. Amen.”

4. “Heavenly Father, as we prepare to depart, we thank You for the fellowship and encouragement we’ve received. May Your presence go with us, strengthening us for the journey ahead. Until we meet again, may we walk in Your love and grace. Amen.”

5. “Lord, as we close this meeting, we ask for Your continued guidance and blessings. May the decisions made today be guided by Your wisdom and carried out with Your grace. Until we gather again, may Your peace fill our hearts. Amen.”

6. “Gracious God, as we conclude our time together, we thank You for the opportunity to come before You in prayer. May the words spoken and the prayers lifted continue to echo in our hearts. Until we meet again, may Your presence be our constant companion. Amen.”

7. “Dear Lord, as we depart from this gathering, we ask for Your protection and provision. May Your angels surround us, guarding us from harm, and may Your love sustain us in all that we do. Until we gather again, may Your blessings be upon us. Amen.”

8. “As we close this meeting, let us remember that we are called to be beacons of light in a dark world. May the love of Christ shine through us, illuminating the path for others to see. Until we meet again, may His peace reign in our hearts. Amen.”

9. “Lord, as we conclude our time together, we lift our hearts in gratitude for Your presence among us. May the seeds of faith planted today continue to grow and bear fruit in our lives. Until we gather again, may Your blessings overflow. Amen.”

10. “Heavenly Father, as we prepare to depart, we ask for Your guidance and protection on our journey home. May Your peace reign in our hearts, Your love surround us, and Your grace sustain us until we meet again. Amen.”

Short Sample Prayers For Meetings at Work/ Church or School

Here are samples of prayer before meeting at work:

1. “Heavenly Father, as we gather for this meeting, we invite Your presence among us. Grant us clarity of mind, wisdom in our decisions, and unity in our purpose. Amen.”

2. “Lord, bless this meeting with Your guidance and grace. Help us to work together harmoniously and achieve our objectives with excellence. Amen.”

3. “Dear God, as we begin this meeting, we ask for Your wisdom to guide our discussions and decisions. May Your peace reign in our hearts and minds. Amen.”

4. “Gracious God, we come before You as we gather for this meeting. May Your spirit of cooperation and understanding prevail among us. Amen.”

5. “Heavenly Father, bless this meeting with Your presence. Grant us the wisdom to discern what is right and the courage to act accordingly. Amen.”

6. “Lord, we invite You into this meeting as we seek Your guidance and direction. May our discussions be fruitful and our decisions be in alignment with Your will. Amen.”

7. “Dear God, we come together in Your name for this meeting. Grant us the wisdom to find solutions, the patience to listen, and the compassion to understand one another. Amen.”

8. “Gracious Father, as we gather for this meeting, we ask for Your blessing upon our time together. Help us to collaborate effectively and achieve our goals with integrity. Amen.”

9. “Lord, we commit this meeting into Your hands. Guide our thoughts, words, and actions so that they may reflect Your love and wisdom. Amen.”

10. “Heavenly Father, as we gather here today, we seek Your guidance and blessing. May this meeting be productive and edifying, bringing glory to Your name. Amen.”

Closing Prayers for Meetings

1. “Heavenly Father, as we bring this meeting to a close, we thank You for Your presence with us. May the decisions made today be guided by Your wisdom and carried out with Your grace. Bless each person here as they go forth from this place. Amen.”

2. “Lord, as we conclude this meeting, we ask for Your blessings upon all who have gathered here. May the insights shared and the connections made continue to inspire us in our work. Grant us Your peace and guidance until we meet again. Amen.”

3. “Dear God, as we prepare to depart, we thank You for the opportunity to come together in fellowship. May the bonds formed here today strengthen our community and lead to greater cooperation in the days ahead. Bless us as we go forth from this meeting. Amen.”

4. “Gracious Father, as we bring this meeting to a close, we lift our hearts in gratitude for Your presence among us. May the decisions made here today be pleasing in Your sight and beneficial to all. Guide us in Your ways until we gather again. Amen.”

5. “Lord, we thank You for the time we’ve had together in this meeting. As we depart, we ask for Your guidance and protection on our journeys home. May Your peace go with us and Your love surround us always. Amen.”

6. “Heavenly Father, as we conclude this meeting, we ask for Your blessings upon each person here. May the insights gained and the relationships formed bear fruit in our lives and work. Grant us Your strength and wisdom until we meet again. Amen.”

7. “Dear God, as we bring this meeting to a close, we thank You for Your guidance and provision. May the decisions made here today lead to positive outcomes and greater unity among us. Bless each person as they go their separate ways. Amen.”

8. “Gracious Lord, as we prepare to depart, we thank You for the opportunity to come together in Your name. May the bonds of fellowship formed here today continue to strengthen us in our journey of faith. Guide us in Your ways until we gather again. Amen.”

9. “Lord, as we conclude this meeting, we ask for Your blessings upon all who have participated. May Your wisdom guide us in our actions and Your grace sustain us in our endeavors. Bless us with Your peace until we meet again. Amen.”

10. “Heavenly Father, as we close this meeting, we offer You our thanks for Your presence among us. May the discussions held and decisions made be pleasing in Your sight. Grant us Your peace and guidance until we gather again. Amen.”

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